You have hidden away in the corner of your closet a priceless Time Machine. But the only problem is when you find it – will it be missing the key to fire it up. This awesome machine contains information of pasts forgotten – trapped in a dark corner - dormant - waiting to be rediscovered before it decays and disappears into oblivion. What could it be? Why is so valuable? It contains your photographic memories (slides, negatives, photographs) representing a history of a timeless treasure of transformation which formed and built who you are today - in this very moment.
Think about it. Here is your photographic heritage of family and friends which today can be easily copied and brought into the digital age for future generations to enjoy, ponder and pass on via the Internet. For without pictures no one will remember or see who you were – how you lived your life – or appreciate and reflect upon the times you lived through.
Today with the right digital camera you can quickly and easily copy all those slides, negatives and photographs to the digital age – freeing them from deterioration and loss – making them easily sharable for those who follow - who will appreciate the photographic legacy you have kept all these years.
The Moment of Truth
Here is your moment of truth. Do you continue to leave your priceless time machine dormant – in the hope of firing it someday when you find the time? Or, do you make the decision – to turn the key – for there has never been an easier or better time to bring your photographic past to the digital age than today! It’s time to fire up your time machine to transform your photographic heritage for future generations to enjoy and ponder.
Now you can bring your photographic past into the digital age in an instant
With ShotCopy you can use a digital still camera, camcorder or smartphone to click your way into bringing your photographic legacy to the digital age - to share with family, friends and future generations.
You might be thinking this is going to be complicated process to accomplish - but in reality - with today’s digital cameras - it's fast and easy to convert your photographic images (slides, negatives, and photos) to the digital.
ShotCopy offers an innovative solution that uses your present digital camera (if it can focus to within 1” of the camera lens) to copy 35mm slides and negatives. Find this hard to believe? Let’s do this. Instead of using a lot of words to explain how ShotCopy works we are going to show you some videos which will make its operation obvious - so you can see for yourself what ShotCopy can do for you.
“If a picture is worth a thousand words,
then a video makes it obvious.”
How Easy to Copy Slides?
The video on the right tells it all. In this example we used a digital camcorder (Canon) that can easily focus to 1" of the camera lens to capture images and video onto a removable flash card which captures digital images of your slides and negatives with one click.
Imagine the time you will save no longer waiting for a scanner wand to move over your image then wait some more while the scanner processes the image. Using ShotCopy and your camcorder you capture a still image with a click - ready to be shared and used in ways beyond your wildest dreams. By moving your photographic images to digital images changes everything! So, read and watch as we demonstrate a whole new world of possibilities waiting to be discover! |
How Easy to Copy Negatives?
The video on the right demonstrates how easy it is to copy with a click negatives. Who would have believed that negatives (both color and black & white) could be copied and converted with a shutter click to share with not only family and friends but for future generations to enjoy and ponder?
How Easy to Copy Photographs?
With today's high resolution cameras and camcorders it only takes a click to copy an image quickly. No more watching you photographic images from yesteryear fade away from the ravages of time. With a click you have frozen the image all time. Not only to be restored but to realize a whole new life to enjoy not only in the present but on into the future to come.